How Chaga Mushroom Helps in the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer is a serious disease that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. It is known that people fighting cancer face many serious problems, including:

  • Tumor Growth: Continuous growth of tumor cells.
  • Invasion and Metastasis: Tumors can spread to other organs and tissues.
  • Weakened Immunity: The body becomes less capable of fighting infections and other diseases.
  • Inflammatory Processes: Chronic inflammation that promotes tumor growth.

Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) has powerful anti-cancer and immunomodulating properties and contains several key biologically active compounds:

  • Polysaccharides: They have direct anti-cancer and immunomodulating effects, suppress protein synthesis in tumor cells leading to their death, and activate the immune system, helping the body fight cancer cells.
  • Triterpenoids: They stimulate apoptosis (programmed cell death) of tumor cells and inhibit their growth.
  • Betulinic Acid: Known for its powerful anti-tumor properties, particularly against breast cancer and leukemia.
  • Ergosterol Peroxide: Inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces the expression of proteins that activate cell proliferation.

In a study published in the journal "Herba Polonica" volume 63 No. 2 in 2017, several groups of mice participated, including a control group and groups that received Chaga extracts. This study of the anti-cancer activity of Chaga was conducted on various types of tumors: colon cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, and lung cancer.

The study results show significant improvement in the condition of the body under the influence of Chaga extracts compared to the control group:

  • Reduction of Tumor Mass: By 25%.
  • Life Extension: Subjects that received Chaga lived 30% longer.
  • Reduction of Inflammatory Markers: A 20% reduction in the level of cytokines that promote inflammation.
  • Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth: Polysaccharides and triterpenoids significantly reduce the growth rate of cancer cells.
  • Improvement of Immunity: Polysaccharides stimulate the activity of immune cells, particularly macrophages.

The immunomodulating effect of Chaga is manifested in the stimulation of macrophages, which produce nitric oxide to destroy cancer cells, and in increasing the level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), which helps the body fight tumors.

Consuming Chaga helps in the fight against cancer due to its powerful anti-cancer and immunomodulating properties. This mushroom contributes to the reduction of tumors, improvement of the overall condition of the body, and enhancement of immunity.

Do not forget about the benefits of consuming Chaga for the prevention of cancer!

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