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Dried and broken Amanita Muscaria red fly agaric caps. Cleaned from debris and sand.

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. It reduces inflammation in the body, provides energy, increases motivation, and improves brain function. Additionally, it slows down the development of cancer cells and enhances the immune system.

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When microdosed, these mushrooms:

How to take see here

* It is not a medicine.

** This product does not contain narcotic and psychotropic substances and is legal on the territory of Ukraine & USA.

Release form Capsules
Кількість капсул 60
Stock Gelatin capsule, Amanita muscaria
Weight 30
Mushroom Amanita muscaria
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Red fly agaric in capsules for microdosing

In stock
SKU: 111001112
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           Delivery to cities from 70 UAH (depends on the volume and weight of the shipment).

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           The payment for the refund service (cash on delivery) is always made by the buyer: 20 UAH + 2% of the transfer amount!

           More details about rates via the link.

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          Delivery within Ukraine starting from 50 UAH (depends on the volume and weight of the shipment).

          For shipments valued at over 300 UAH, an additional 0.5% of the declared value is charged.

          The payment for the refund service (cash on delivery) is always made by the buyer: 10 UAH + 2% of the transfer amount!

          More details about rates via the link.


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